Hello lovely readers,
I know its been ages since I wrote about my tagged diaries. Actually, I was preparing and doing my research to write this post and I have got the chance today. Few days back I had created a buzz to surprise someone who has become a role model in my life. She is none other than our lovely, the founder of The Book Club and The Book Reviewing Group,Rubina Ramesh.
Rubina Ramesh( My Super Woman)
I came across her accidently actually. I was updating my post when I saw her posting some forms of book reviews on some groups. I wondered how can she manage to do all this, when I actually checked her site (http://www.tbcblogtours.com/tbc-blog). The blog tours she had hosted and the way people have responded actually got my attention. I thought she is some hard core mechanical lady who works day and night. When I joined the group I came to know about her better. She used to mail me my schedules and once I had signed up Sumana Khan’s blog tour but I got late because of my exams. I had her number so I gave her a whatsapp call and her voice sounded so beautiful. She told me to focus on my exams and the way she checked the things within minutes and informed me about the dates was just so perfect. She told me she had her kids too so she could understand the value of exams in one’s life. She strictly asked me to study and not read the book. I could sense a motherly tone in her. On that day she came to know that I was a student :P. This was my first interaction with her and I really loved it how she responded.
Rubina is really dedicated when it comes to work. She keeps us pumped even though we are lazy lads. It is difficult to handle so many book reviewers and sending them mails. She does that without delaying anything. She handles everything, be it sending mails, be it updating schedules, be it interacting with us on useful topics like publishing, marketing or editing. Not only she, all the members of her team, Sundari maam, Nilima maam, Inderpreet maam. They are simply the most well versed ladies I have ever come across.

wow 😀
My second interaction made me realise that she is from Arizona. I was stunned as how could a person from distant land handle the things so well inspite of being the time zones the biggest barrier. She works during nights when we are almost asleep, the reminders, mailers and the way she reminds us of inklinz and rafflecopter is hilarious. When I was new, I had no idea how to use these two inlinkz and rafflecopter which was next to impossible for me. She told me one thing ,” I am an old lady and I understand only inlinkz” I couldn’t stop laughing at her remark. The habit of self mockery actually inpire us. She treats everyone the same, be it her fellow friends or youngsters like us. She explained me about rafflecopter and I started trying it and when I won for two times, I always gave the credits to Rubina. We talked for almost an hour and she told me about many members, their habits and how they can help me in improving my work. The best part was when she praised me for my book reviews. This was my biggest achievement coming from her whose loved by everyone.
The third interaction was superb. We talked for almost an hour. She told me amazing facts about her. At that time she was doing Paromita Goswami’s blog tour. She asked me about the delay and I told her that I had 35 books to wind up. She told me thats a small number. I was again astonished by her answer. She said she had 100+ books that are to be read. I must tell you, this lady never stops to give me shocks. Then she said that she doesn’t start reading a book until she undergoes 100 gaalis from the author..haha.. This experience actually motivated me and now when I say these many books are pending, I don’t feel bad.
How The Book Club and The Book Review Group changed my life?
I always give credits to Rubina, the woman behind these groups. She made me a quick reader and my book reviews kept on improving because of her. I learnt alot about publishing and even marketing. I was not a regular person in these groups but I used to follow the discussions. Now she has started a new trend where we have to read each other’s posts and comment so that it give some exposure to us and our blog. To add more, she has started with retweets on twitter. This lady thinks about everything. Thats why I call her a super woman.
Tornado Giveaway
In all this, how can I forget this Tornado giveaway. Trust me, I had no idea about it but this lady’s initiative helped so many authors starting from newbies to the established ones. This is a giveaway where so many authors take part in it and yes, I took part in it this time so I am super excited about it. Want to know about it?
Check it : http://www.tbcblogtours.com/tornado-giveaway-2.html
The forms of this year’s Tornado Giveaway has been filled and we are waiting for November to start.
Birthday Cakes

Delicious Cake..;)
Rubina is especially known for pictures of birthday cakes and we always wonder how she come up with such mouth watering pictures. She indeed makes everyone feel special and TBC is just like a second home for all of us.
Her Books :
She is the contributing author of MArijuana Diaries..
We are waiting for her upcoming novel :Finding the Angel which is a romance..

Excitement overloaded!
Interview Salsa:
Rubina’s interview taken by Sundari Ventakaraman will give you guys a better picture of her
Golden words for Rubina :

TBC Meet.. I missed it ..:(
“Rubina is a super woman 😀 “- Surbhi Sareen
“I have a nickname for Rubina. I call her ‘Queen Rubes’ because she is like a vampire queen to us: up all night, never getting enough sleep, reaching out across time zones and borders to bring authors and readers, reviewers and bloggers together. She’s one of the most dedicated and dynamic people I’ve met, and what’s probably the most surprising thing about it all is that she has SO much to deal with but still is so kind and cheerful all the time. She’s the heart and soul, mind and body of the TBC.” – Devika Fernando
“I am a well-known writer today only thanks to Rubina Ramesh’s marketing skills. I must say the lady does it from the heart.” – Sundari Venkataraman
“She is a friend I cherish. I respect her opinions and advices. Just few words with her makes me feel positive. Her words have been encouragement for me so many times especially when I have been low.
That could be the jist of how I feel about having known her and befriended her. But I can go on and on and on” –Reshma Ranjan
“She is kind, helpful and most importantly a down to earth person.” -Inderjit Kaur
“She is extremely focused, enterprising and innovative. Her tireless promotions and support are a big help to authors.” -Usha Narayanan
“She’s dedicated to the cause of the writers. The energy and time she puts into backing authors and their works is both admirable and unbelievable. I have the privilege of having my books Against All Rules and More Than Just Desire hosted by her TBC tours and found many of my readers that way. Be it day or night, I’m amazed at how Rubina never fails to address any concern of her team and her authors. She’s a lovely person to know, having poise and great sense of humour. In addition to the tours she’s helped in all the cover reveals of my books. “- Summerita Rhayne
‘Rubina is an amazing person. Not just for the work she does but how she does it. She’s an expert at handling both the authors and the bloggers in an honest and friendly manner. I have done 5 book tours with TBC all because I knew Rubina would deliver a comprehensive and fantastic tour. She has delivered more than expected. She is now a friend that I cherish. Wishing Rubina all the very best in all her endeavors.
‘ – VArsha Dixit
Where to find Rubina Ramesh? 😛
She is not a don so yes, we can definiately trace her on her sites :
Website | Facebook Author Page | Twitter | Google+ | LinkedIn | Pinterest
Buying Links for Marijuana Diaries: Stories of Addiction
Amazon.in | Amazon.com
She is just that: a super woman, a mentor, a go getter above all an inspiration. Great one on Rubina.
exactly maam ..:)
I really don’t know what to say. I see you have taken quotes from many of my dear friends too and I am so mushed up that I lack words to express. This is a very sweet gesture Surbhi and I will remember this always. God Bless. <3
ps: Vampire? Really?? 😀
Heehee, the vampire snuck in through me. 😉
I never wrote you arre Vampire.. 😛
You deserve all this Rubina maam 🙂
Fitting tribute. I concur with whatever you have said.
Thankyou so much Carthik.. Rubina is a gem..:D
Boy! I am jumping in glee reading the above…cause earlier I thought I was the only one who thought she had some pixie powers in her. But, glad all the above women agree!
Rubina caught my attention the moment I dialed her number. She is such a down to earth person…Love her to the stars and back to the earth!
Lovely write up, Surbhi!
Awwww..your comment made my day.. She has some super powers..hehe
Lovely writeup, Surbhi. Rubina is not just a superwoman but more than that a super human being. And am honored to call her my friend–of course we fight a lot — but then what are friends for? Eh, Rubina? 😉
awww.. May you guys stay like this.. Fights bring friends closer..:D
Wow….superb writeup …..you are a awesome lady Rubina….we love you…. You help you guide you advice you scold 😉 you are all in one…. Love you….
surbhi great work dear….
thankyou Aparna maam .. she is an angel indeed..:D
Lovely post. A true super woman indeed!
thankyou maam for your contributions in it ..:)
So nice of you to put in a post what we all feel about Rubina. She is super woman. I met her once and she is extremely down to earth and comfortable to be with.
Great Rubina.. you deserve the praise.
thankyou maam for your kind words and yes, she is superb and I want to meet her someday ..:D
Very well worded, Surbhi. Very well deserved, Rubina! 🙂
thankyou maam and your blog n your words helped me alot..:)
Superb article Surbhi Sareen. I can see that you have put in a lot of effort here to gather so much information about Rubina Ramesh and so many quotes from many of us. Congratulations! 😀
And yes, Rubina is all that you have said she is, and more
It looked amazing just because of you guys.. your quotes helped alot.so kuddos to you.. I specially checked your blog for her interview ..:)
Very well written Surbhi…. One of the best Twitterati, Blogger ,Writer around.Honestly, she is one of the finest HR managers ( if I may call so) I hv come across.Handling all of us is indeed a herculean task.She is indeed my sweetest DON n Come what may…I will stick to diz name for her n we are her B- company 😀
wow maam.. and thanx for your kind words..:D
She is the eye candy of almost everyone she came across. A person with so much warmth and love can only be the founder of TBC. The Book Club.
true ..:)
[…] P.S- read these : /2016/09/30/tagged-diaries-my-super-woman/ […]