Insecurity is the feeling of being left. Everyone goes through feeling, be it a friend, companion or anyone. When a friend befriends someone, you feel insecure and this feeling arises jealousy.You feel scared all of sudden. Your heart feels you will lose your loved one. You end up becoming possessive and you, yourself don’t come to know about it. these things seperate you from him and you become the reason behind it.
If you introspect carefully and analyse, you will witness the answer behind that locked key. Insecurity, the fear is all in your head. It is human nature. The worst part is we never come across its initial point. It is hard to accept new things, though we know the fact that change is the evital law of Nature. It takes time to accept. To cite an example, when your friend gets busy and doesn’t give you the required time. This change makes you feel that the person has stopped caring and loving you. This is your illusion. But the repurcussion is, it has sown the seed of friction in your relationship. It is tough to understand but one who knows the knack can win his relations.
Actually, the bitter truth is that everyone is scared of being alone in deepest of their hearts. When they sense this type of emotion they tend to become insecure and animosity arises in their hearts for the attended person. This further give rise to fear which makes them believe that the person will leave them. The adverse effect is you try to keep other away from you.You don’t want to get attention but instead you test yourself whether you have the ability to stay alone or not. When you are losing the battle, you are unable to accept the reality which makes you arrogant, rash. Furthermore, you end up hurting others and in the latter cases, you become so sensitive that you feel dejected and left out. In addition, you end up ruining yourself and sound like a tormented soul. And see where this leads you, towards darkness. Just that small thought in your head change your life and most importantly you. SO, WHOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS? YES, THE ANSWER IS YOU.
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